Kini kami dah mula sesuaikan diri (semula) di Msia. To tell you the truth, the weather is really2 hot!!..Gosh! rasa macam takmo keluar rumah.
Last week was a long holiday and all of my family balik. My youngest sister now spending her one week holiday here with us.To be suprised my sister in law also came back. She missed all the noise and the cranky pel of the nephews and niece. Just nicekan..The kids spent their times with Mak Long and Pak Long.. Sangatlah gembira budak-budak tu
Me??? a little bit upsad here and there, might because of the hormone(ya ke???). banyak hal jugakla yang upsad tapi I tend to ignore it..let them pass..go away..go girl already start to wear hijab@tudung. She looks gorgeous..I don't want to force her , just let her start slowly..Insya'allah..
Ada a few issues here yang buat aku rasa annyoing,menyampah pun ya..tapi semua tu sementara. After a long chat with my suami,semua feeling menyampah tu hilang.Payah u kalau duduk asing2 nibukan dekat2, dipisahkan dgn 2 benua..ahaks..BTW aku dh start counting days for Hari Raya(opps..makcik..perlu mula mengganti puasa dr skrg ya)..My suami will balik for a while just for celebrating Hari Raya with us..nice kan..hehe..
......itu jelah update story..laster ya..
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